I must say this has been one of the most fun weekends I have had in a long time! Saturday Jessica and I took the train into Chicago to do a little touring on our own. It's quite convenient, the station is just out themain entrance of the base. And the train is amazingly cheap here, Portland could learn athing or two! For a twoday, round trip pass, it was only sevendollars! It's five in Portland for a one day pass! The train was really nice, it had two levels and wonderful airconditioning! The train takes a little over an hour from base which isn't too bad and it's cheaper than paying for a cab! Once we got into the city we decided we wanted to go to Navy Pier, it was gorgeous. There was mix of eclectic shops, lots of touristy type things.It was extremely hot, and extremely humidso we took a break for a bit. After wandering around there for an hour or two we met upwith our director Morgan and headed to the Hancock building to meet a few other girls for dinner. We only got a little lost! We found the building and we also saw the filming for Transformers 3. No, I didn't see Shia. There was an insane crowd and I lost patience quickly and moved on. We at dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It was FANTASTIC ohhh it was nice to not have a microwavable meal let me tell you! After dinner we shopped a little, I got a new top. Mom, I may be sending stuff home before I leave... A lot of stuff..But I have only bought my self one thing since I've been here that isn't food! Unfortunately we wandered a little too long and almost missed our train. We ran, people made fun of us, andI rolled my ankle! But we made the 9:30 train so that's all that matters!

This morning started bright and early, well like 8 so not that early.. Myself and five other girls caught a cab and were off to six flags. I love amusement parks! And this one has a water park too! BONUS! The downside to amusement parks is lines, I don't wait in line well, I get wayyy too bored! And one ridewe tired to go on we were the next to board and then it broke! Not even fair! I did all of that waiting for nothing! We spent a good amount of time in the water park and it's pretty amazing some of the swim suits that some people were wearing1! I can't even begin to describe some of the outfits I saw today!
(My 16 dollar lunch)
Tonight at our meeting my supervisor Morgan showed us a pretty amazing video to help remind us why we are doing this program. It's for these kids, they are amazing. I have only been here a week and amfalling more and more in love with them. They have such big hearts. I am so thankful that I am able to be apart of this program. Please watch!!
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