So, so much has happened since the last time I wrote! Since then we have been getting to know the base and the sites we will be working at. It is so amazing the schools that are here, they really spare no expense for these kids. There is a smart board, projector, and a million resources in every room! And the people here are just so much laid back, I have keys to so many different things it’s crazy! The just gave me a key to the Youth Club down the block so that we can use the internet. And I also have keys and door codes to almost everything at the School we are working at. On Friday my staff and I went and set up the center we are working at and it looks fantastic! It’s all space themed out!
Our mess hall is super nice, but we have to dress up every single night. And eating there is quite awkward at times because everyone is way higher up in the army and we are just guests. But we have slowly started making friends with some of them. We have hung out with them twice so far and went to their cricket game on Saturday. Can I just say, that guys in the US need to take some lessons from these guys, chivalry can survive! Not even like being sweet, just being gentlemen, opening the door, and just all around nice. Our dining meals are so nice too, aside from the awkardness they are quite good. The other night I tried Zebra for the first time, its interesting, and quite sweet.
On Saturday we went to a very nice Saturday market in Celle, which is about 25 minutes from out camp. After that we just came back to base and hung out. I have never been to a cricket game, and wow, SO BORING. We really had no idea what was going on and the guy’s we went to watch were super awkward so we just sat there and talked amongst ourselves. We didn’t really do much that evening, we just hung out in my room and got to know each other better. On Saturday we slept in a bit because we figured it would be our last night basically until the end of summer to sleep in. Then we went to Bergen-Belson, the concentration camp, which is literally 500m down the road. It was an amazing exhibit. And absolutely gorgeous, it is very hard to believe that something so terrible and so many people died there and yet the place is absolutely beautiful. There are just mass graves all over that have written on them the amount of people buried there, the numbers ranged from 1000 to 5000 bodies in graves. And they were all over. After that we had a pretty quiet car ride to Saultau which a town not too far away from our camp. And I am glad I was paying attention to the road signs because everyone that we had talked to sounded like they were saying the “salt house” not saultau the town. So we could have been really lost for a very long time. Any time we go anywhere we seriously stick out like a sore thumb, none of us know where to go or how much things really cost, someone finally took pity on us and helped us out. It was so nice there though, the pool we were in was all salt water and it was very warm. But for one, I have never seen so many speedos in my life, and two everyone was coupled up. We got stared at a lot. After that we had a good German meal then headed back to camp for the evening.
First day of camp was hectic but when isn’t the first day of camp?! But probably the easiest first day that I have ever had that’s for sure. Theses kids are the cutest thing I have ever seen, there accents are to die for! And they are so polite! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer holds. And they call my the Head teacher which is pretty darn cute! This weekend I am heading to Berlin, which is only about a three hour train ride! I’m pretty excited to experience some real Germany! Wooooo!
Also I will post pictures as soon as I upload them!
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